How to Register

This page is a detailed explanation of how to register on the message board to join the virtual critique. The interface is designed to be simple and straightforward, and most users will likely already be familiar with the process. However, if you are experiencing difficulties, please use the step-by-step walk-through below.

  Step 1  

Go to the righthand frame of the website. Under where it says "Virtual Critique" you will see a horizontal menu with the options:
"Home", "Help", "Search", "Login", and "Register".
Click on the "Register" button.

  Step 2  

On the next page, you should see two sections—"Required Information" and "Verification". Enter the respective information into the fields.

Please note: You should enter an e-mail address that you check often or one that you can temporarily forward. This e-mail address will be used to notify you of activity on the board for the duration of the critique.

Also, on this page you have the option of letting other board members e-mail you directly by clicking the "Allow users to e-mail me" checkbox.

In the "Verification" section, enter the letters that you see into the field provided and click "Register".

  Step 3  

If successful, you should receive a confirmation e-mail within a few minutes, and a new page should load in the righthand frame that says "Login".

Ignore the "Login" prompt. Go up to the horizontal menu above and click on the link that says "Profile". On the next page, move your cursor over the horizontal menu right above the "Profile" header. Hover over "Modify Profile" with your cursor and a drop-down menu should appear. Select the option that says "Notifications".

On the next page, please check the box that says, "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic." Then click the "Save Settings" button. You should then be rerouted to your profile's "Summary" page.
(You're almost done!)

  Step 4  

Okay. Last required thing: Hover over the "Modify Profile" button again, and select "Look and Layout" from the drop-down menu. Below the "Time Format" settings there are a number of options. Please make sure that the checkbox for "Show most recent posts at the top" is checked.

That's it! Critique away!

OPTIONAL: Personalizing Your Account
Go back to the horizontal menu above the header and hover over "Modify Profile" again. Choose "Forum Profile". On this page you can set things like an avatar (small image to appear alongside your posts), age, location, gender, signature etc. To save, go down to the bottom and click "Change Profile".